Sunday, May 31, 2009

Month 16 in Review

This month we seemed to be pretty busy; the warm weather comes and our calendars start filling up again. We started it off with a fun time at Kai's 2nd birthday party. He was really the first baby born out of all the little ones so it is really scary to think that he is turning two already. Then we had a really nice Mother's Day in Carlisle. Daddy had a wedding in Indiana (near Purdue) for one of his good friends from college while Mommy and Morgan stayed home for a girl's weekend. Finally Mommy and Daddy went to a wedding the last weekend of the month and Morgan stayed home with a real babysitter for the first time. It seemed to work out great…at least Morgan was sleeping and the babysitter was in one piece, so in other words…a success. Plus it was nice for Mommy and Daddy to get some time out alone.

There have been some fun activities going on at school too this month. Mommy and Daddy both visited over lunch for a Teddy Bear Picnic outside. It was a gorgeous day and we have to admit really hard to go back to work afterwards. Morgan also really got into one of the spirit days, 80's Day…check out her outfit complete with a head band and "leg warmers." Speaking of dress up, that is one of Morgan's favorite activities this month. At school they have dress-up smocks so that the kids can be a fireman, policeman, mailman, or a doctor. One day at pick-up her and Jack were sporting their new professions and apparently they had been in them since lunch. At home too, she loves putting on new clothes and even grabbing something from Mommy or Daddy's closets.

But the big news from school this month….Morgan is moving up to the Toddler room next week. Can you believe it??? She is graduating from Infants. This past week she was gradually transitioning into her new class and already she seems changed by the whole experience and quickly growing up. She really is acting more and more like a toddler...with opinions and tantrums, emotions and adorable expressions to go along with them. Wish us luck with the move, officially starting June 1st.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

We hope all the mothers out there had a wonderful day celebrating.

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Month 15 in Review

This month Morgan started actually following directions. It is really neat to see the wheels turning as she is trying to understand what you are saying. For example if you tell her, "Put the food in the bowl Morgan'" she will pick up the pieces of food and put them in the bowl. And if you ask her, "Morgan, where are your shoes?" She will look around the room, find them, and bring them over to you to put them on.
She also started recognizing body parts. And will point them out on herself, Daddy or Mommy. Mouth, nose, ears and belly button are a few of her favorites. The teachers at school and the Dr. got a kick out of the last one. At her check-up this month, the doctor was asking about milestones and evidence of hearing/listening. Daddy said, "Morgan, where's your belly button?" And she lifted her shirt and pointed.

Morgan is also really interested in the natural order of things. For example, she knows that before we leave the house we grab her jacket. Of course in typical Toddler fashion she thinks whenever she wants to go outside all she has to do is grab her coat; needless to say that has lead to a few disagreements. And on a few hot days we had a little bit of a struggle trading out the jacket for a hat, but hopefully she'll get used to it soon. Also, she loves throwing her clothes in the hamper when we change into her PJs.

We figured with all the miles Morgan has been putting on her pink sneakers is was time to go shoe shopping for Morgan's first pair of real walking shoes. We went to the Clarks store in KofP and found an adorable pair of brown/pink spring Mary Janes. The sales associate doubted if her mobile capabilities were really ready for the walkers but as soon as we put them on she was gone; running out the store. She loved them! It was too cute. And from then on she has been inseparable from these shoes. Sorry pink sneakers; we'll be sure to add you to the memory box.