Friday, June 27, 2008

Five Months Old

Five Months Old and Quite the Personality

Between Annapolis and Cape Cod, Morgan has been on-the-go all month and has done so well with everything. She is developing quite a cute personality and is even fun to take along places now. ;) Everyone we meet just adores her; doesn't hurt that she can be quite the flirt.

A Few of Morgan's Adorable Antics at 5 Months
* Belly Laughs - Some strangers (especially if you happen to be a female working in a quaint shop in Annapolis or Cape Cod), can get Morgan to give the biggest, doubling over, belly laugh. It is too cute!
* Trolling - When we are at a restaurant, Morgan will sit in her car seat and muster all the flirtatious charm she can while she scans the place for eye contact with some unsuspecting soul.
* Mirror Smiles - Every time Morgan sees herself in a mirror now, she gives the biggest smile. She even will look in anticipation all the way down the stairs for the mirror at the base of them.
* Grunts - If you sit with Morgan, her facing out, and pull up her legs she gives out the funniest grunting noise.
* Thumb - Instead of sticking her entire hand in her mouth now, she just started with her thumb, fingers curled around her nose, especially in new situations. But she still prefers, chomping on Daddy's finger...perhaps early stages of teething?
* "Where's Mommy (or Daddy)?" - When you ask Morgan, she will turn all around until she finds Mommy or Daddy and then give a huge smile.

Major Milestones for Month 5
During vacation, Morgan seemed to grow up all at once. It was quite the week!
* Feet - Although not as exciting as discovering her hands, Morgan found her feet and loves hanging on to them.
* Alia - The poor cat has also been found and her world is no longer safe. As soon as Alia enters the room "talking," Morgan starts searching for her. Morgan will reach to grab a fist full of fur if Alia gets anywhere close. Alia is pretty curious about Morgan too and loves to give little licks on fingers and toes.
* Rolling Over - The most exciting milestone is Morgan starting to roll over. She doesn't quite understand how useful it is, especially regarding mobility but definitely enough to make Mommy nervous when she's on the changing table. She will roll to the side to get a toy and she loves practicing in her crib, especially during supposed naptime. :)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Meeting Cousin Sophia

I am so excited to have finally met my Cousin Sophia and my Uncle Owen! Sunday we went to Grandma & Grandpa B's house to see them; just days after they arrived in Pennsylvania for their move back from North Dakota.

Sophia is so cute! It is really nice to see someone smaller than me for a change! I just wanted to hug her and play with her...but she didn't seem quite ready for that yet. And when she cried I was very curious what the matter was and wanted to make everything better. I know I am only a four months older but I can't help but feel like a big sister already!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Day Trip to Boston

For our second day trip we headed up to Boston (surprisingly only ~1 hr away), and took the subway into the city.

With only one day to spend, we really didn't do this great city justice but we got just enough taste to know we need to go back. Following Boston's Freedom Trail gave us a great intro and we got see many sites including the grave site of John Hancock, the Meetinghouse where the Declaration of Independence was discussed, Paul Revere's house, Faneuil Hall Marketplace, and the famous Old North Church.

Morgan favorite part of the trip? Having a taste of gelato in "Little Italy"! Who wouldn't love it!

Day Trip to Martha's Vineyard

As wonderful as the beach was, we decided that there was just too many interesting sites around the area to not get out for a few days. For one of our day-trips, we took the ferry to Martha's Vineyard. It was a great ride and a gorgeous day.

The first stop was Oaks Bluff where we really enjoyed all the beautifully decorated "Gingerbread Houses."

Then we headed to Edgartown where we strolled the steets admiring the harbor and all the old Whaling Captains' homes.

Beaches and Boat

Being so close to the water in Cape Cod, we made sure to spend time enjoying the beach. Morgan was so cute putting her feet in the cold water for the first time.

We really enjoyed some long walks along the shoreline especially during low-tide. And falling asleep to waves crashing against the sand was wonderful.

Daddy successfully picked up his Vanguard 15 sailboat. He was able to practice the set-up and "get his feet wet" (literally) sailing and is looking forward to many more adventures. But we decided Morgan and Mommy would wait to sail until after Daddy had a couple lessons.

Vacation in Cape Cod

We just got back from our first family vacation, enjoying a wonderful week in Cape Cod where we rented a house directly on a gorgeous, practically private, beach.

Spending several days just enjoying the house and beach and exploring a few nearby towns (including Sandwich, Hyannis and Falmouth), led to a really relaxing vacation. We watched several beautiful sunsets over the cape from the deck...and Morgan made sure that the sunrises were seen too. :)

It was amazing to see Morgan's personality really come alive. She loved seeing all the new things and meeting the numerous people that came up to say hello. There were smiles and belly-laughs galore!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Three Amigas

The three amigas, Kaya, Abigale, and Morgan, finally had their first playdate today. It was a lot of fun, and with a walker, a crawler and a "talker" (Morgan) there was always a lot going on.

We made sure to take this special "recreated" picture of the 6 of us. There is another similar shot floating around, taken just about a year ago today, when the three Mommies were all Mommies-to-be. :)

Post-Publish Note: The picture was found! Amazing to think how much can change in only a year.