Today = 9 Months
Has it really been 9 months already? Morgan is really getting big and starting to lose her true infant look, but she is really starting to become a little person too.
The Stats
Weight: 16 lbs 14 oz; Length: 26 3/4 in
Perfecting the Army crawl - She can really get around! Her poor clothes though. We have joked about attaching a
dust cloth to her shirt...she might as well pitch in a bit, right?
Pull-to-Stand - Morgan will pull on anything now and is so proud of herself when standing. She just laughs and laughs.
Finger Foods - What a great eater! She is so cute when trying whatever we hand her. This month she put those gums to work (and apparently just discovered her tongue) as we started to introduce real solids. First were Gerber puffs, next Cheerios, then goldfish and now she tries just about everything. We have a cute video I will try to get posted soon.
First Tooth - Morgan's first tooth broke through, yet another sign that she is getting so big. Although we can't give it much credit for helping out with the finger foods yet, it sure is sharp and getting ready to be useful soon.

Favorite Activities
Catch - Morgan just loves playing catch with you while sitting on the floor. She will throw the ball (you have to be close of course) and then wave her hands and laugh as you throw it back. Maybe she is getting into the baseball spirit...Phillies are in the World Series, only the 2nd time in their 126 yr history!
Books - Morgan loves having books read and this month she even helps turn the page. We read before bed every night. She seems to still have the same favorites...I Love you Through and Through and Happy Baby Colors with Brown Brown Bear, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Love is a Handful of Honey sometimes as well.
Shaking - Shake, Shake, Shake is still one of her favorite games. This month she appears to be trying to combine it with another favorite, Peek-a-boo, by shaking a washcloth to cover her eyes. Morgan cracks up laughing as you appear and disappear.