Sorry the videos recorded so dark, but Morgan's little "conversations" today were too cute for us to resist filming and posting a couple. She has been babbling up a storm a lot lately, but especially this weekend. So make sure you have your sound turned on and enjoy!
In the first clip, you can hear Morgan's reaction to Alia (our cat) when she walks by and meows. Her word for cat is something like "Ggggat." Which may be a combination of "grrr" (perhaps the sound a tiger happens to make) and "Cat." Whatever it is based on, it's still cute.
In the second clip, Morgan is showing off her tongue trills (which, yes, are still continuing from her infant days) for the sound of a car, plus a bunch of other "statements" as she shares the car with Daddy.
There are a few words in Morgan's vocabulary. "Ggggat" you've heard as Morgan's rendition of "cat." Her first word with an obvious association was probably "anana" which she started using earlier this month (2/1/09) for "banana." Now all food, if she wants more/likes it, is "anana." Just about everything else uses sounds, such as "Da-Da," of course, but finally this also includes Daddy. :) Funny though you can almost hear differences in "da-da" for different things, like "da-da" for "thank-you" has it's own unique sound and "da-sta" is pretty close to "downstairs" used by Morgan when she is ready to head to the kitchen for some breakfast in the morning. We are sure there are many more words in her endless sounds, but we are still working on figuring them out. "Ma-Ma" makes the occasional appearance...usually after Mommy gives her something good to eat...on the other hand maybe that is just Morgan's way of saying "yum-yum."