Friday, July 31, 2009

Month 18 in Review

The month was all about Morgan becoming a full-fledged Toddler. The videos posted last month (taken at the end of the month) gave you a glimpse.

What seemed to be missing were the tantrums…oh, we mean "displays of independence." ;) We had a rough couple weeks in the middle of this month (complete with leaving a restaurant for the first time), but with 3 molars popping through at the same time, can you blame her for being a little moody? Just so you don't feel like you are missing out on the full Morgan experience, here's a short clip...but the video does come w/ a warning: "Not to be viewed by Grandmothers or the faint at heart!"

But back to the Morgan we know and love…despite the tantrums, she has also become really affectionate, running up and hugging people she knows and saying hi to everyone, saying good-bye by blowing kisses and giving real kisses to the lucky few. Even being sure to hug Mommy and Daddy after a rough "display of independence," as if to say, "I'm sorry." The cutest thing was watching her hug a friend for the first time, who happened to be Emma at the concert at the school.

Talking (the beginnings of it anyway) has also really started this month! Some of her favorite new words/sayings are: All Done, Sit There, No, Yeah, Milk, Please, and a bunch of things we don't know what they are. We often catch ourselves saying, "did she just say that??!!!"

Morgan has really enjoyed playing copy cat this month, imitating nearly everything. So we definitely have to start watching what we say and do! This even includes going downstairs! (Hence, we have had to become experts walking down backwards.) One of the cutest things is her desire to carry a purse. And not Mommy's purse…her own purse. Morgan carries it like a grown-up and walks around, with all the essentials inside (mirror, lipstick, wallet w/ "credit cards," keys, and of course a cell phone), ready to go at a moments notice.

Cute Story of the Month: Morgan was playing and spilled her drink in the living room. Then quickly disappeared into the other room before we could say anything. Seconds later she reappeared with her washcloth from the kitchen and began cleaning up the spill! What could we say???

It was a pretty busy this month, yet again, with many fun activities, including 4th of July in Carlisle, a picnic at Kid's castle with older friends Grace and Reese, a playdate w/ girlfriend Kaya, Sangria Sunday at Chaddsford Winery with Mommy's friends, the Daria concert at school, and attending concert-in-the-park every Tues.

Monday, July 20, 2009

4th of July

Obviously it took us a little while to get this blog post up, but we wanted to share a few pictures from 4th of July!

We had a great time celebrating the holiday in Carlise, complete with fireworks.
Daddy brought some really neat sparklers for before the show, and Morgan thought they were great. Grandma and Grandpa had the best seats in the house for everyone...roof-top viewing from their company building! Unfortunately, Morgan wasn't so sure about the loud noises from the fireworks, but she definitely seemed to be excited with the concept of staying up late (and of course with the Dairy Queen milkshake aftewards).