It's hard to believe Morgan is already 2 1/2 years old. She really is turning into a little girl right in front of our eyes...the things she does, remembers, says, and figures out are all simply amazing...nothing gets past her!
Two big things to share:(1) Daddy and Mommy were making dinner one night a few weeks ago while Morgan was playing in the living room. We went into check on her and apparently she had been playing the old favorite "Night Night" where everyone takes a nap...but she was no where to be seen. In her place were Bubbles and George, two animals that are always upstairs in her room. did those get there...."Morgan? where are you?" A response from upstairs was, "Dee Dee, night, night." And here she came walking down the stairs. Holding onto the banister with one hand and holding Dee Dee (her doll) in the other. She looked so grown-up!
(2) A little over two weeks ago, Miss Ashley called Mommy and said, "today Morgan asked where her big girl panties were just like Emma's." And so started the process of officially potty training. With a lot of support from school, a lot of effort from Mommy and Daddy and a lot of hard work from Morgan, she transitioned into big girl panties, basically over night. She is doing so well with only a few accidents here and there...and the approximate daily missed "BM." We're working on it. ;) Like we said, it's a process...2 1/2 weeks and counting. We are soooo proud of her! Yeah for Morgan!!!!