Monday, January 28, 2008

Morgan Elizabeth Brown

Mom and Dad welcome Morgan Elizabeth Brown!

7 lbs. 7 oz and 20 in....Dark Brown hair and blue eyes.

Mom and daughter are doing great!

Dad "caught" Morgan on January 27th 2008, at 2:25 PM, outside the hospital. Birth place = at Grand View Hospital but not technically "in" Grand View Hospital. :) And nickname given by the nurses = Little Infinity.


Danielle said...

Congratulations!! So happy for you both. Can't wait to meet Morgan.

Amanda said...

Congratulations!!! I love the name Morgan, great choice. It sounds like you might have an interesting story to tell. Can't wait to see you and meet Morgan and hear how everything went!

Owen and Hillary White said...

Hey Mom and Dad and Morgan,
Uncle Owen and Aunt Hillary wanted to let you know we are super excited about Morgan's arrival. Great catch Dad! We are so sorry that we cannot be with you during these special days! Know that all are in our thoughts and prayers!
Love you!

Kelly B. said...

YAY! I'm so happy for you all! Little Morgan, so cute!!!

Unknown said...

Hello Morgan Elizabeth!!! WELCOME to our family!!! You are as cute as a button. But with a mom & dad like Elizabeth & Cory I wouldn't have expected anything less. I'm proud to be your Great Auntie. Love Tanta

KEO said...

Congratulations Brown family! Morgan is a cutie!