Monday, July 14, 2008

Food, Glorious Food

I finally got to try solid food this weekend! Ok, maybe the word "solid" is a bit of a stretch since it was basically a little bit of rice cereal mixed with a lot of milk, but hey, I used a bowl, a spoon and a bib so that is a big step. Still need a little practice with the whole swallowing thing; I think I got most of the cereal in my tummy by tilting my head back and letting it slide down, but not bad for a first shot.

I can't wait to try food with some color. Although I am sure the cleaner-upper and diaper-changer are not as excited as I am. ;)


Anonymous said...

Oh My!

Elizabeth it looks like in the Brown house with "solid" food comes a lot of cleaning up.
However, I did love the writing on the bib.

The pictures of Philadelphia trip were very pretty. It looked like Morgan did a great job of tour guide; even though it was her first visit as well. The last picture makes me think it will be a long time until Moran has enough energy left after such a full day, to be able to drive the family home.

Love Grandpa Reineke

Unknown said...

Looks like Morgan is enjoying her food. She wears it well too. Sooo cute!