Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Here it is...the big reveal of Morgan's Halloween costume...a PINK MONSTER!

Morgan helped pick it out herself and loved it from the moment she saw it in the store. We think it has to do with the three big eyes; she just laughs uncontrollably when it comes near. And Mommy and Daddy love it because it completely fits her personality; we use "Our Little Monster" a term of endearment of course. Plus she looks so darn cute.

Halloween was a ton of fun. The festivities started at the school with a small parade. Mommy and Daddy got there early and helped Morgan get dressed. First we all watched the big kids walk around and then it was our turn. All the costumes were adorable!

Then we headed home for some trick or treating around the neighborhood. We went to a couple houses, then back to the house to hand out some candy (and a quick monster-nap); when we didn't get many kids, we went for a walk to visit some friends and saw all sorts of neat decorations and costumes along the way.

Morgan had a great time and seem to love every minute of it...the attention from all the people, the crinkly candy wrapping, and staying up way past her bedtime. One important tip we did learn though, is "Never wake a Sleeping Monster!"

1 comment:

ARod said...

Oh my goodness, so cute! I think the last one, the screaming monster, is my favorite! Cute costume!