Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It is so amazing to think that Morgan is 1-year old today!

The year went by so fast, filled with so many wonderful memories and milestones. She is growing up. And is quite a little girl already. Today has also brought back many memories from Jan. 27th, 2008.

Daddy and Mommy have had fun reliving the big day by playing, "this time last year we were...." As we are writing this posting: 1:45 pm bags are packed, 1:50 pm one more contraction and Mommy's water broke, 1:54 pm on the phone w/ doula/dr./grandma, 2:00 pm in the car on the way to the hospital, 2:22 pm we pull up to the hospital, one more contraction and Morgan is born at 2:25 pm. What an eventful day it was...full of a lot of excitement, anticipation, adventure, and a little fear as we (two first-time parents to-be) ventured through labor at home and the eventual car delivery.

Today we had a low-key birthday celebration (the big party will happen a week from Sat on 2-7...the next best thing to the 27th). Morgan opened a couple presents and had a mini-cupcake as a small preview of birthday cake.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Morgan!!

Anonymous said...

I'm behind on blog reading---SOOO Cute!!! So great to see Morgan's first birthday!!! :) Happy Birthday!!! :)