Saturday, February 21, 2009

Big Kid Cup & Food

Now that Morgan is a big girl at 1 year old, we switched her over to whole milk in a big girl sippy cup. She is doing so well with the transition! And that means no more bottle cleaning or pumping for Mommy. Whoohoo! Sometimes Morgan likes playing with the cup more than actually drinking, but she sure has a great time banging the cup, shaking droplets of milk everywhere, dropping it on the floor, giving herself milk-beards, and throwing her head back to get the last few remaining drops.

Morgan is doing really well with solid foods too. She is almost completely on table foods now and is able to eat all the big kid food off the menu at school...whether she chooses to or not is another story. :) (Something about school cafeteria food just doesn't seem to be the same as what comes from home.) Some of her favorites at home lately have been gnocchi, mac & cheese, meatballs and salmon. It sure is messy, but Mommy and Daddy are doing our best to adjust.

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