Monday, August 31, 2009

First Airplane Ride & Other Adventures

This past weekend we took Morgan on her first plane ride on our trip to Chicago for Mommy's friend Amy P's wedding. She loved the excitement of the airport and seeing all the planes.

Unfortunately she didn't love the plane ride quite as much. The plane ride itself went OK (once we got in the air after sitting for 1/2 hr) ...but it wasn't easy and by the end Mommy and Daddy were definitely sweating...pick this up, put that away, grab the snacks. What a workout! At least it was only 1 hr 40 min.

Before the wedding we had time to fit in a fun playdate with the FL7 Points (7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 that is). Suppose that needs to be explained. Mommy's group of best friends (seven crazy girls) from high school ended up going to FL after graduation and hence the nickname got started...which later had to get changed to FL7+Brace when our good friend Erin joined the clan. Well it wasn't too long before the points were on the way...Morgan being 7.1, Fred 7.2 and Noah 7.3. We all still keep in touch and see each other whenever we can; when we are in town for holidays, breaks, vacation, and especially weddings. Speaking of weddings, the weekend's big event was fabulous...Amy was gorgeous and we all had a great time (rowdy as usual...we just bring the best out of each other, what can we say). Thanks Abby for the reception pix!

We finished up the weekend with a wonderful 90th birthday party with our dear Poppy. Happy Birthday!!!! What a milestone! We were so glad to be in-town to be a part of the celebration.

It was a wonderful trip! But as always went way too fast; before we knew it we were back at O'Hare boarding a plane to come home. This time at least we had the entire back row. :)

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