Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Williamsburg Family Vacation

The week of Labor Day we had a great family vacation in Williamsburg, VA. We bought a hopper pass for the area; so for the week we enjoyed a number of attractions such as Colonial Williamsburg, Country USA Waterpark, and Busch Gardens.

In Colonial Williamsburg, we had fun "living the time period" by stomping clay to make bricks, serving on the jury on several court trials, watching a play, and taking a dance class (even Morgan was one of the volunteers with Mommy and Daddy!), along with a number of building tours. And to conclude our visit, the entire family had an authentic lunch at King's Arm Tavern.

At the waterpark, Morgan surprised us by loving all of the waterslides and just playing around in the various pools. But nothing could beat her excitement at Busch Gardens. Morgan would go on any ride that they would allow.

Rest assured she did not go on that roller coaster...that is a picture of Daddy and Pop-Pop, in the front car while Mommy, Morgan, and Grandma watched from below. What a ride!

Morgan's favorite ride was the large pirate ship that swings back and forth...fyi you can hear the screams from that ride in the background of the balloon video above. We lost count how many times we went on it...and only stopped because Mommy and Daddy couldn't handle any more; she would have stayed there all day. Morgan also had a great time at Elmo's Playland with Cousin Sophia.

Williamsburg is so close to Virginia Beach, that we also decided to head down to the beach for a day. Being the week school started, there was no one there...it was great. And we had perfect weather...a little windy, but nothing a beach cabana rental wouldn't fix. ;)

And during our little bit of free time we were able to relax by the pool at the resort. Morgan loved swimming...especially with her new vest...she is definitely a little fish!

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