We made only a couple stops along the way for a quick feed and diaper change. Mommy had to get creative with the diaper change given the cold weather and less than ideal gas stations; thank goodness for the huge arm rest in Grandma's big new SUV.
Even with the 10 hr drive, I was a complete angel in the car. But we were all excited to finally arrive at Great-Grandma Donna's house.

We all really enjoyed the week! I spent some quality time bonding with my co-travelers. I loved meeting my Great-Grandma Donna (see my four generations picture). I also got to meet Aunt Hillary and Aunt Andrea and take a picture with all 3 of my aunts! Not an easy task considering they live in PA, Chicago and North Dakota. Funny we were able to travel to IN to get together. And I met a bunch of other people at the baby shower for my soon-to-arrive cousin.
There was plenty of time for playing, holding, hugs, and kisses from everyone (including my Great Uncle Stan and Great Aunt Melinda).
Poor Daddy almost didn't recognize me when we got back home with how much I have changed this past week. I am definitely more alert, seeing more clearly and following objects. And I am having a ball talking (ok, maybe cooing), smiling, and laughing up a storm.
The roads coming back were horrible due to a big snow storm in IN & OH. But Grandma pressed on, despite passing several accidents and cars that had fallen off the road. Thank goodness we were back home in time to help Daddy celebrate his birthday yesterday and give him his presents: two sailing books and an ice cream cake from Cold Stone Creamery.

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