* Sitting - Morgan is starting to get the hang of sitting and like most things does really well when she wants to. :) It doesn't hurt (literally) to have a little help from Mommy, Daddy or the Boppy, otherwise, because at this point face plant is inevitable.
* Cause-and-Effect - She is also starting to realize and recognize cause-and-effect. For example, she has learned how to turn on her Aquarium in the crib (especially when it is supposed to be nap time) and loves to roll over, push the button, and watch the fish swim. With sleeping going so much better, sometimes the sound of the aquarium is the only way you know she is awake!
* Sleep & Food - Two big milestones that were already posted of the blog and huge steps for this month were sleeping through the night and starting solid foods.
* Practice Makes Perfect - In addition to all the new things, Morgan is definitely perfecting all her older skills; for example, rolling over, tummy time, playing with toys, grabbing items and putting them into her mouth, and interacting with the world around her.