It is hard to keep track of Morgan's calendar sometimes. She is such a social butterfly and loves getting out, meeting people and seeing new places. Being home for the summer, we are having a great time fitting in a ton of activities (as you can see from all the blog postings :) ). Last week for example, we had a couple lunch get-togethers with Mommy's friends (aka members of The Morgan Fan Club), a playdate, and a wonderful visit from Grandma B, Aunt Hillary, and cousin Sophia. The week was complete with a fun pool party at the Criddle's (Kaya's house).
With the month countdown till Mommy goes back to work already started, there are a lot of
things we still want to do. We are also making sure to have plenty of one-on-one time too. Some of our favorite activities have been just playing around the house, walking in the park with the Baby Bjorn, and taking the stroller out for a spin to the library or, if Mommy is lucky, to get a smoothie. We also joined the community pool at the park which has been great especially with all the heat waves this year. Morgan loves the pool and observing all the action there. She really enjoys playing with this simple set of plastic keys and splashing in the water. Daddy just taught her motor boat and for the past week she has been making the mouth sounds at home too...somehow "keep the pool games at the pool," was not part of the lesson. :)

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