Monday, August 18, 2008

A Good Run, While it Lasted

So the inevitable day finally arrived; I returned to work today with mixed emotions. A part of me will admit that it is nice to be back interacting with adults, seeing friends, getting started on a new project, and putting an end to the anxiety over this first day. But it is definitely hard being away from Morgan...especially knowing this is not just a Mommy-day-out.

The scariest part though is the realization that being back at work really means that she is already almost seven months old! Our precious bonding time at home went so fast. Oh well, it definitely was a good run, while it lasted. And I will always be greatful that we had those wonderful months together.


Stan and Jess said...

Hope its all going well... today is the first day of school and there is a part of me that is very sad I'm not there, I loved teaching and the classroom on the other hand, Fred did this hilarious giggle fest this morning in his diaper and got bananas all over his face so its a tough call. Its so great all your family was able to help out that makes a huge difference in going back. Fabulous pictures!

Anonymous said...

I bet it was with mixed feeling going back. I Love the new pictures of Morgan, they are great. She is getting so big, we can't wait to see her again soon.