This month was a lot of fun for Mommy and Daddy because we had enough vacation days saved up to take off 2.5 weeks from work over the holidays. So we were able to have a lot of quality family time and have fun just focusing on enjoying each other. It was wonderful!
And Morgan was at such a perfect age to enjoy...she is really becoming interactive with the world around her. The most amazing new development this month is her beginning understanding of "how things work." Like with the cell phone at Christmas; she opened up the package and immediately knew to hold it to her ear and then do this 1/2 turn spin motion left and right, almost with her hand on her hip like she was a teenage girl already! Where did she pick that up from???! Morgan also knows that her comb or brush goes in her hair and the toothbrush goes in her mouth and is just starting to get the hang of the getting dressed routine (i.e. one arm then the other through her shirt).
Motor skill developments this month include huge progress towards walking including cruising along furniture and moving with the help of her lion toy. Morgan also started standing all on her own, for a few seconds, first when visiting Abigale and then a couple more times over Christmas.
And the teeth have been sprouting up & down! She got her "Christmas wish" of her two front teeth (both top and bottom) by the holidays. Those are proving to come in handy as she is doing great with finger foods, perfecting the pincher grasp and joining the big people by sitting in a real chair at the table (with just a little help from her booster seat).
Morgan also just seems a bit calmer too, not as busy, and taking time to take everything in. And you probably won't believe it, but one might say she is actually a cuddler for a few, brief, moments a day. :)
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