Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Geysers

And the geysers! Probably the biggest attraction to Yellowstone and we can see why….they don't last long and can require a lot of a patience, but they sure put on a magnificent show.

When we were at the park, there were ~6 "predictable geyers" (erupting at regular intervals, often 2x/day at an estimated time +/- 2 hours) including the famous "Old Faithful." With some determination and a little bit of luck, we saw all of them in just 1 day! A feat not may visitors can say they accomplished.

For the first one ("Castle"), we were at the site with our coffee mugs before sunrise, and the last one ("Great Fountain") we snuck in during sunset, after being stranded from reaching our next destination by a forest fire that happened to have closed the road. (Seriously, it's true!)

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