Thursday, December 3, 2009

Month 22 in Review

Can it really be December already???? Month 22 had to be the quickest yet...most of it was spent enjoying a great visit to Chicago for Thanksgiving.

Before we left, we enjoyed the Annual Harvest Dinner at Morgan's school. All of the family's are invited to participate in a lunch at the center with traditional Thanksgiving food.

Then we hit the road to start our drive to Chicago. Along the way we stopped in Dayton, Ohio to spend some time with our good friends Todd, Cindy and Olivia at the Wright Patterson Air museum (pictures courtesy of them) as well as a visit with Great Grandma Donna.

We had a great time in Chicago visiting with the Reineke family, staying at the McDonald's lodge, spending some time with Great Grandma Ruth and Poppy, having a great Thanksgiving dinner with the family, eating at Portillo's (just a few times), seeing some of the FL7 gang (including .2 and .3) and even having an early Christmas celebration under the trees that the lodge just put up. Then before we knew it, we were on the road again, heading backto PA.

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