Saturday, January 30, 2010

Morgan's Birthday Fiesta

Everyone had a great time celebrating Morgan's 2-year birthday with a fiesta theme. We had maracas to decorate, sombreros, a pinata, stickers, music, and tons of food.

Morgan's friends Maya, Abigale, Emma and Sophia were there along Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Owen, Aunt Hillary and a few of Mommy and Daddy's friends.

Mommy was adventurous and made the cake from scratch. It turned out great, but Morgan seemed most interested in the little candy pepper on top.

And at 2, she definitely understood the concept of presents.
Thank you everyone for a great party!

1 comment:

Emma's Mommy (Jen) said...

Just wanted to let you know that the party was wonderful and that we had a wonderful time. Your family is very nice and we really thank you for including us! Emma fell asleep before we reached Sumneytown, and I had no idea snow was coming! Hope your day is going well, and great party Mommy!