Sunday, February 3, 2008

1 Week Old Today!

It is unbelievable that I am already 1 week old. And getting stronger and more alert everyday.

Relaxing with a very tired Daddy.

And a very tired Mommy...that can't be my fault, can it?

Had some visitors, including Grandma and Grandpa Brown and Mom's good friend Jen.

Aren't I the sweetest little angel?...sometimes anyway.

Overall life's not too bad.


Kelly B. said...

Look at all that hair!!! So cute!

Owen and Hillary White said...

It is so great to know that we have the most beautiful niece in the world! Thanks for sharing these pictures since we are so stinkin far away. We can't wait to see the three of you!
Love Owen and Hillary

KEO said...

Hello to Morgan! Give her a cuddle for us!!

Unknown said...

What a big girl! Already 1 week old. So happy to see mom & dad getting a little rest too. Thanks for the pictures. Love You, Tanta