Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Few More Firsts

I celebrated a few more milestones today. Slept in my crib for the very first night...granted it was only for 3 hr. increments but still. What a big girl I am!

Saw my first snow...I don't know what all the fuss is about; it just seemed cold and wet. Maybe next winter I will be able to enjoy it a bit more.

Had my first play date with my new buddy Kaya. She was born Sep 2007 so we may be in the same grade. Looks like I have some catching up to do.

And took my first real bath now that my cord finally fell off. Have to admit it wasn't too bad...much better than those cold sponge baths.

That was a lot to accomplish in one weekend. I sure am tired. I bet Mommy and Daddy are too. :)

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