Saturday, March 1, 2008

Still a Newborn?

For Morgan's 1-month picture the whole family got in on the fun. From her facial expression, she may actually be enjoying this photography stuff. :) Sitting tall and smiling she looks so grown up!
Morgan's 1-month Dr. appt went well. She weighed in at 9lbs. 2 oz and was 21 1/2 in long. The Dr. was happy with her progress and said everything looked great! Mommy and Daddy had a sad realization though when making her next (2-month) appt; the receptionist said Morgan was no longer her eligible for the "newborn" timeslot.
So back home we just couldn't resist documenting some adorable tiny newborn parts.


Kelly B. said...

that kid has so much hair! I can't get over it!

Unknown said...

What adorable St Patty's Day pictures! Morgan looks like quite the little lassie. I love the one with her tongue out. She is growing so much.