Thursday, March 27, 2008

Two Months Old Today

I can't believe that today I am two months old is so exciting to start feeling grown up.

I was so least until I got my two-month "birthday present." And perhaps you thought you have received some crummy birthday presents.

I didn't expect a thing, just a normal Dr. appt, which went well. Dr. Hipp was very happy with my progress. I am right on track with weight (10 lbs., 14 oz) and length (22 in).

And then BAM, 6 vaccines (3 shots) out of nowhere.

Daddy, thank you for holding my hand. I didn't know babies could change colors; look now I'm purple. Mommy and Daddy claim though that these vaccinations are the best two-month present a baby could get.

Grandma Reineke is more in my camp with what "presents" should be and gave me a My First Baby Doll. A great comfort item that I will have to remember to bring to my next series of vaccinations.


KEO said...

I ADORE that first photo of Morgan sitting on the couch -- so cute!!!

Stan and Jess said...

ER - What were the shots she had? Did you request any particular types of the vaccines? Did she have any side effects - like a fever or crankiness? This mama is dreading that appointment, I'm sure I'll do more crying than Fred, but I'v become completely paranoid and overprotective on everything. She is super cute - she's got a great smile!

Danielle said...

She's getting so big...2 months already! said...

Hi Philie,
We didn't request any specific vaccines...just took what the pediatrician recommended. She received, ADPT/IPV/HBV combo, Pneumococcal, HIB Conjugate and Rotavirus. She was a little cranky, no fever, but have baby Tylenol on hand just in case. You'll do great!