Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Visitors from Chicago, Part II

This past week Grandma Reineke came back for another visit (I am just too irresistible!) and this time brought my Uncle Tyler for his Spring break. And then later in the week Aunt Andrea flew out to join us.

We had a ton of fun visiting, playing Wii and going on a few nearby outings. One day for lunch we took our visitors to El Cancun...one of Mommy and Daddy's favorite restaurants. We couldn't help but notice that the Mariachi music got a bit louder after we arrived. :)

This group sure knows how to party...a few late nights, led to a few rough mornings. Now I am trying hard to get back on a routine and get used to the quiet.

Aunt Andrea kept her word and brought out some helpful exercises and skill tests for us to work on. My development is going great! Right on track. But just look at all those milestones yet to come.

For right now, I am happy sticking with smiling, cooing, and updating my blog (apparently I am pretty advanced in that category. ) ;)

1 comment:

Stan and Jess said...

Elizabeth, thanks for the e-mail...also that middle picture of her waking up in the morning looking like she partied to hard cracks me up! Baby hang over! So nice your family could visit.