Sunday, July 27, 2008

Half a Year Old Already

Morgan is 6-months old today! Mommy and Daddy both asked, "How has it been a half a year already?" It is hard to believe how much she is grown and developed in these few short months; it is quite amazing when you think back to the earlier memories.


* Sitting - Morgan is starting to get the hang of sitting and like most things does really well when she wants to. :) It doesn't hurt (literally) to have a little help from Mommy, Daddy or the Boppy, otherwise, because at this point face plant is inevitable.
* Cause-and-Effect - She is also starting to realize and recognize cause-and-effect. For example, she has learned how to turn on her Aquarium in the crib (especially when it is supposed to be nap time) and loves to roll over, push the button, and watch the fish swim. With sleeping going so much better, sometimes the sound of the aquarium is the only way you know she is awake!
* Sleep & Food - Two big milestones that were already posted of the blog and huge steps for this month were sleeping through the night and starting solid foods.
* Practice Makes Perfect - In addition to all the new things, Morgan is definitely perfecting all her older skills; for example, rolling over, tummy time, playing with toys, grabbing items and putting them into her mouth, and interacting with the world around her.


Stan and Jess said...

Its unbelievable how fast the time has flown! She's so cute and you can tell her personality from these sassy pictures! Fred has started some test runs with sitting up but he's got nothing on Morgan from the looks of it. I've delved into my SuperBaby Food book to learn how to make my own baby food and after our next Dr.s visit I think we will be ready to try it. Are you doing food at every meal time? Have you moved beyond rice cereal? Does she like it? I've been looking at all these swim pictures - does she stay in the water very long? How long do you let her be in the sun? I love her on the raft that is so smart! We are going on vacation soon and I just found Fred a swim suit (the woes of having a boy). I'm thinking though if I want to take a swim class at the Y in the fall I will have to get him another one so it fits later on. He loves bath time but this going in the lake thing will be different. Love to hear about it all!

Unknown said...

Can't believe that she is 6 months old already. She sure has grown and is getting cuter every day! Can't wait to see you all in October. Good luck Elizabeth in going back to work soon. At least you'll have some help. Love, Tanta

KEO said...

Unbelievable! 6 months old?! It's so fun to see all the updates on here -- thank you for sharing! I really like Morgan's green chair - it looks so comfy. Her personality sure is shining - can't wait to meet her in person someday!