Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Babysitter Brigades

Yesterday, Babysitter Brigade #1 arrived...Grandma Reineke, with her back-up troops (Grandpa and Uncle Tyler). They drove out from Chicago to help with Mommy's return-to-work. Day care will start in Sep. so for the next couple weeks, Morgan will be in good hands at home, making Mommy's transition nice and gradual...and perhaps a little easier. Babysitter Brigade #2 (Aunt Andrea) will arrive on Sat. and #3 (Grandma Brown) will complete the two-week stint.

To get Morgan accuainted with our visitors, we spent a wonderful day yesterday with Brigade #1 at Rice's Market and Peddler's Village. We think it worked out well and Morgan was so happy the entire day. Hopefully, that is a good sign for tomorrow. :)

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