Monday, August 4, 2008

Yummy Colors

After starting rice cereal a few weeks ago, Mommy has made me a few other foods to try. She makes them in a big batch in the blender and then freezes the "liquid" in ice cube trays for later. So far we have tried sweet potatoes, peaches, bananas and green beans...I hear butternut squash and avocados are on the menu for this week. I am definitely a veggie girl! The potatoes and beans went down much better than the fruit. Although, lately it just seems more fun to give everything raspberries. Who knew Mommy and Daddy would need a bib more than I do. ;)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

MMMM...homemade baby food. So yummy. You should try pears, peas, carrots, parsnips and even zuchinni! Such fun! I loved making Grace's food.