Sunday, September 7, 2008

Kaya's First Birthday Party

Today we went to Morgan's friend Kaya's first birthday party. Happy Birthday Kaya!
It was amazing how much Morgan has grown and developed since attending Kai's birthday party only a few short months ago. Back in May, we paid the price for waking her up during her PM nap and she could care less that she was at a fun party. Now at 7 months old, Morgan was an angel, enjoying being part of it...putting the "final touches" on Kaya's gift, interacting with the kids, playing with toys, exploring everywhere using her army crawl and even tasting a bit of birthday cake.

And this time she could care less that she wasn't at home taking her could almost conclude she was enjoying the party even more because of it. It was noisy, there were kids everywhere, and we had a great time! Although we did come home completely exhausted...two of us did anyway.

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