Thursday, November 27, 2008

10 Months Old

Today Morgan turned 10 months old!

This month has been a lot of fun. Whatever you want to call it (imitation as she copies Mommy and Daddy, cause & effect as she gets a Cheerio or applause, or simply learning new tricks), she has become so could probably tell from the increase in video-clip postings. :) These "new tricks" have included waving, high five, sign language for "more," and doing "so big" by raising her arms high above her head.

She has also developed in other ways, including perfecting pull-to-stand by grabbing on to everything and actually sitting down slowly/intentionally instead of just falling, and also starting to crawl everywhere on her knees. Morgan is getting a huge appetite and a pro at chewing solid foods...her favorite of course being Cheerios. At school, Morgan started eating at the table with the big kids and trying small bites from the big kid menu. She also absolutely loves music and enjoys jamming to any type of beat, especially from her ball-tree toy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think this bottom picture is my favorite Morgan picture yet!!! :)