Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! Christmas was wonderful this year, with Morgan being almost two years old, she really started understanding the holiday. At least parts of it (like unwrapping presents, the making cookies--complete with batter eating, and putting all the interesting ornaments on the tree/especially the ones with a button that plays music.)

For the first time, Mommy and Daddy celebrated Christmas Eve at home; we started the tradition of reading "The Night Before Christmas" and of course putting out cookies/milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.

Waking up the next morning Morgan was surprised to see all the presents under the tree. We did stockings first and then watched as Morgan had a great time opening up her gifts (becoming a pro in no time). Two favorites were her rocking horse from Santa and an unmarked brown box with some pieces to her Main Street Village (past experience clued her into what was inside-- check out the video). :)

Then we headed to Grandma/Grandpa Brown's house to celebrate Christmas with the whole family. By the end of the wonderful day, Morgan was definitely worn out.

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