Monday, December 21, 2009

Year-End Celebration

To celebrate the holiday season and the end-of-the year, each of the classrooms at school have a party. And being the Parent Council Rep for T3/T4 meant, it was Mommy's job to plan it for the room. After a couple stressful weeks, the party was a hit and everyone had a great time...with snacks, gingerbread cookie decorating, goodie bags for the kids, and gifts for the teachers. Although, it was a bittersweet celebration as we wished Morgan's primary teacher Miss Sara farewell and good luck on her promotion to head of one of the infant suites.

Also today happened to be Jr. Gym, so we snapped a few pictures there too. Every Wed. morning, the classrooms participates in an extra activity called Jr. Gym which teaches some fun tumbling, listening, and obstacle course activities. All the kids love it and Morgan gets so excited on these days.

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