Monday, January 10, 2011

Big Girl Bed

Last night was our first night in the Big Girl bed.

Yesterday during Morgan's naptime, Daddy ran a few errands while Mommy stayed home. Half-way through nap, Mommy heard some noises that sounded like furniture moving upstairs. Since there is only so much noise an almost 3-year old can make in a crib, Mommy crept upstairs to check things out. And low-and-behold there was Morgan, out of her crib, creating havoc in the room. All of the soft things from her inside the crib were stacked in one big least she knew climbing out of the crib might hurt when you hit the floor. ;) As nervous as we were to give her complete freedom, we knew it was time for Morgan to graduate and Daddy had one more project to add to the afternoon...assembling the toddler bed. And wouldn't you know, it was our best night of sleep all week! Apparently the bars were hindering her beauty rest. She slept straight from 8pm to 8am...with no escapes! Here's to hoping for a repeat performance tonight. :)

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