Monday, January 31, 2011

Year 3 in Review

Another year has just flown by!
And Morgan is definitely growing up!

You may recognize her 3-year pictures from the Christmas card, but here are a couple more.

The biggest developments in the last several months have really been independence and language. She has exhibited so much independence in everything she does from setting the table to clearing her plate and from potty training to getting dressed. She will actually stop playing, run to the bathroom, and do everything all on her own now.

One of her amazing qualities that we see more and more every day is her caring of others. For example, her willingness to share a beloved snack so Mommy and Daddy will have some too or for finding a duplicate toy in the classroom to give to a friend who wants to play as well.

Here are a few cute stories from school recently:

  1. Morgan was exploring the dramatic play kitchen with Jack and Emma. She put an oven mitt on, grabbed the tray with the cake, and put it in the over. Morgan said, "Making cake," turned the oven on, then said, "don't open Jack, the cake is hot!"

  2. Miss Ashely sneezed during naptime. Morgan said, "Miss Ashee neez?" Miss Ashley said, "I did." And Morgan said, "bess you."

  3. Morgan was playing babydolls with Miss Joan. Miss Joan said, "the baby is hungry." Morgan responded "banana" and held a banana up. Then Morgan brought the banana to the baby and said, "baby eat banana."

  4. Morgan was doing ice painting with her friends. When she first grabbed the ice, she tossed it down on the table, saying, "It told." Miss Ashley said, "It's cold?" Morgan smiled, nodded and said, "yes, it ice, it cold, I make it warm." Then she began blowing on it.

  5. Morgan was playing with a scooter and Jack came over and asked her if he could use her scooter. Morgan said, "yes, Jack, but only for a little bit" and gave Jack the scooter to use.

  6. The class was talking about items in a bear cave. Morgan said, "a bed." Miss Ashley said, "To sleep on?" Morgan giggled and said, "Bears sleep Miss Ashee."

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