Tuesday, July 5, 2011


It was a busy spring, but a fun one too.

In May, we had Olivia's Christening and Mommy's good friend Angie's wedding (at which Morgan had a great time dancing the night away with our friends Sujata/Andrew's boys Kai and Keyton).

In June, we went to Sesame Street Place for the first time and saw Dan Zanes (our favorite musician) in concert at the park! What a special treat! Morgan loved dancing to the music and meeting him afterwards to get an autograph. We also enjoyed the rides, including a few runs on the Grover Coaster.

Morgan and Mommy went to a bridal shower for another of Mommy's good friends, Wendy...her wedding will be in July (the new hubby is shown above with Morgan and Angie's wedding). Mommy and Daddy will head to that one by themselves and Morgan is going to Jack's house for a sleepover.

Throughout it all we also had a number of B-day parties (Emma, Kyran, Spencer, Wesley, Sophia, Lily, Abigale) and a college graduation party.

If you can believe it, we also found some time to get a great start on our landscaping. The house is looking really great! What a spring! Now we need some downtime and a little R&R this summer. :)

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