Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Happy 1-Month Birthday Morgan!

We can't believe Morgan is 1 month old already. Time has definitely flown by; we are sure we will be finding ourselves saying that a lot now. It is amazing to see how much she as grown in this short time.

Every day it seems like there are small changes or new explorations. Just last night she discovered Mommy's tongue! It was so cute to see her laugh and coo as it disappeared/reappeared and moved side-to-side. Mommy wasn't sure the smile she saw on Monday (Jan. 25th) was real...but now she is convinced it was.

Check out a couple adorable 1-week pictures from our good friend Danielle to see how different she looks from a few short weeks ago...


Kelly B. said...

Yay! Happy! She's looking great!

KEO said...

Awwwwww yay Morgan! So adorable!!