Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a really nice, relaxing, three-day weekend at the Brown household. It was gorgeous weather that we enjoyed to the fullest by being outside as much as possible. We went to Marsh Creek State Park and Peace Valley Park to check out some potential sailing locations. (In case you haven't heard yet, Daddy recently became the ecstatic proud owner of a Vanguard 15 day-sailer. We are going to pick it up on vacation in June so stay tuned for more pictures.)

Morgan is still a bit unsure of the big outdoors...but I suppose who could blame her...grass is scary when you are used to soft cozy blankets and what must an infant think about wind.

We also had a great time visiting with some friends at a Memorial Day BBQ.


Unknown said...

What a great picture of Cory & Morgan by the water! Looks like a wonderful Memorial Day setting.

Stan and Jess said...

You guys are just always on the go ready for an adventure! How fun! She and daddy look very happy!