Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

Yesterday I celebrated my first Mother's Day.
What an amazing feeling; I now know what it feels like to be a mom and am starting to truly appreciate the mothers and grandmothers in my life. Too often in the past 3 months I have focused on the changes in my life being things like sleepless nights, disturbed dinners, and missed Happy Hours. I started thinking yesterday what it really means to be a mother and was reminded of a poem that a dear friend sent to me about a year ago (just click on the picture to read). We laughed later that neither of us knew I was actually pregnant at the time.

I also took some moments to marvel in the miracle of life that is embodied by Morgan and to appreciate the joy she brings us. As well as imagine the joy my own parents got from me.

So what do you think…two peas in a pod?

Mommy & Morgan

To all the mothers reading this blog, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! I hope you were able to enjoy the day…you definitely deserve it.


Danielle said...

Happy First Mother's Day to you. She's beautiful. Hope you had a wonderful day!

Unknown said...

Wow!! What wonderful Mother's Day pictures. So glad you had a great day. Thanks for calling Grandma. She is excited about coming to visit you in October for your birthday! Love, Tanta