Friday, June 27, 2008

Five Months Old

Five Months Old and Quite the Personality

Between Annapolis and Cape Cod, Morgan has been on-the-go all month and has done so well with everything. She is developing quite a cute personality and is even fun to take along places now. ;) Everyone we meet just adores her; doesn't hurt that she can be quite the flirt.

A Few of Morgan's Adorable Antics at 5 Months
* Belly Laughs - Some strangers (especially if you happen to be a female working in a quaint shop in Annapolis or Cape Cod), can get Morgan to give the biggest, doubling over, belly laugh. It is too cute!
* Trolling - When we are at a restaurant, Morgan will sit in her car seat and muster all the flirtatious charm she can while she scans the place for eye contact with some unsuspecting soul.
* Mirror Smiles - Every time Morgan sees herself in a mirror now, she gives the biggest smile. She even will look in anticipation all the way down the stairs for the mirror at the base of them.
* Grunts - If you sit with Morgan, her facing out, and pull up her legs she gives out the funniest grunting noise.
* Thumb - Instead of sticking her entire hand in her mouth now, she just started with her thumb, fingers curled around her nose, especially in new situations. But she still prefers, chomping on Daddy's finger...perhaps early stages of teething?
* "Where's Mommy (or Daddy)?" - When you ask Morgan, she will turn all around until she finds Mommy or Daddy and then give a huge smile.

Major Milestones for Month 5
During vacation, Morgan seemed to grow up all at once. It was quite the week!
* Feet - Although not as exciting as discovering her hands, Morgan found her feet and loves hanging on to them.
* Alia - The poor cat has also been found and her world is no longer safe. As soon as Alia enters the room "talking," Morgan starts searching for her. Morgan will reach to grab a fist full of fur if Alia gets anywhere close. Alia is pretty curious about Morgan too and loves to give little licks on fingers and toes.
* Rolling Over - The most exciting milestone is Morgan starting to roll over. She doesn't quite understand how useful it is, especially regarding mobility but definitely enough to make Mommy nervous when she's on the changing table. She will roll to the side to get a toy and she loves practicing in her crib, especially during supposed naptime. :)


Unknown said...

Morgan sounds like quite the "ham". Sure wish I could be there to give her a big hug.
Love, Tanta

Kelly B. said...

She's HUGE now and clearly has the HUGE personality to go along with her size!!!

Stan and Jess said...

I love the where's mommy/daddy game we are going to have to try that! What a flirt! I love it. Her pictures on vacation she looked so hot with that mop of hair! Baldy Fred has got a fire head so I don't know how you keep her nice and cool. How's sleeping going? Any better?