Monday, June 2, 2008

Growing Update

Morgan had her 4-month check-up at the Dr. complete with the second series of vaccinations. They weren't too bad this time (now that Mommy and Daddy knew what to expect) and the tears were gone before we even left the office. The Dr. was pleased with Morgan's progress... weighing 12 lbs. 15 oz and 23 3/4 inches long!

Now that Morgan officially weighs more than 12 lbs Mommy started packing away her 3 month clothes. It is sad to think how many things she will no longer wear, especially our favorite outfit...Morgan's little lamb sweater w/ matching onsie and cargo pants...well maybe it will fit for just one more day; Mommy can't resist.

But with growing, Morgan is getting more use out of all these toys. Like some sitting practice in the Bumbo! She is also really getting the hang of grabbing and reaching for things. This weekend she was caught red-handed, double-fisting a couple toys. And poor Parrot was ripped off his perch and instantly thrown into the mouth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the picture of Morgan grabing the parrot.