Monday, June 23, 2008

Day Trip to Boston

For our second day trip we headed up to Boston (surprisingly only ~1 hr away), and took the subway into the city.

With only one day to spend, we really didn't do this great city justice but we got just enough taste to know we need to go back. Following Boston's Freedom Trail gave us a great intro and we got see many sites including the grave site of John Hancock, the Meetinghouse where the Declaration of Independence was discussed, Paul Revere's house, Faneuil Hall Marketplace, and the famous Old North Church.

Morgan favorite part of the trip? Having a taste of gelato in "Little Italy"! Who wouldn't love it!


Kelly B. said...

What a great vacation! I wish I could have come out to hang out with you all and meet little Morgan! Good luck with the boat, Cap'n!

KEO said...

Your first family vacation sounds and looks like such fun!!

Anonymous said...

Both the trip to Martha's vinyard and Boston looked so exciting. Wish I was there.

Looking forward to seeing you in August.


Anonymous said...

Did you know Morgan's great grandfather was born on a year of a triple crown horse race winner.
Morgan's grandfather was born in a year of a triple crown winner. Morgan's mother was born on a year of a triple crown winner. Morgan was born in 2008. A horse named of all things "Big Brown" won the first two legs of the triple crown but was in the third race when it was pulled out by the jockey. I am sure glad I did not bet the "house" on those statistics!
Morgan's grandfather