Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Holiday Parties

The holidays are all about spending time with friends and family and we were able to fit in some fun events prior to our trek to Chicago. On Friday we had a great time visiting with Kaya and Abigale. The girls are getting so big!

On Sat. we attended P.K. and Anna Tsai's annual holiday party. P.K. is one of Mommy's former bosses and every year he and his wife host a wonderful gathering that we look forward to all year.

Anna does an amazing job preparing a huge Chinese feast for everyone; it is the most magical thing you will ever see…one minute the counter is clear and the next it is piled with more food than the crowd could ever eat. Plus, it is a great chance to catch up with a bunch of former coworkers and friends.

And the final event was Morgan's class party today. Mommy even helped plan the food and party favors. Morgan had fun with her two buddies Emma and Jack, while Mommy and Daddy relaxed with the other parents.

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