Monday, December 29, 2008

FL7 & 7.3

We had one final stop (on Friday) prior to heading back home...visiting Mommy's old high school cronies (the FL7 & Brace or also more recently known as The Octopussies...basically 8 girls that still keep in touch as best we can being spread literally all across the country and try to get together ~1x/year.)

There were 5 representatives in-town for the holidays this year along with the newest additions Morgan (FL7.1 @ 11 months), Fred (FL7.2 @ 10.5 months), and Noah (FL7.3 @ 9 months). Unfortunately, Fred and his Mom had to head home before Morgan arrived, but she had a great time playing with Noah and meeting the rest of the gang. Morgan was up to her usually antics and of course was sporting her new cell phone (she won't leave home without it).

It is absolutely amazing we are still able to keep in touch over all these years. And when we get together can enjoy each other's company as if no time has past. We love you guys! And are so excited about the new additions.

One quick final note: We arrived safe and sound in PA today! It was a wonderful trip and we enjoyed visiting with everyone. Hope to see you soon. :)


KEO said...

Love seeing these photos!!!

Anonymous said...

Soooo fun and so great to finally meet Morgan!!! Can't wait to see you all again soon! :)